I am an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Saint Louis University. I teach courses in rhetoric and writing, writing center theory and practice, dark academia, and writing for the gaming industry. I am the co-author of Read, Reason, Write 13e.
I direct the Walter J. Ong, S.J., Center for Digital Humanities. As director of the Ong Center, I lead and vision digital humanities initiatives and serve as the Research Directors’ Representative on the Executive Advisory Board for the Collaborative for Humanistic Inquiry in the College of Arts and Sciences.
I also direct the Writing Across the Curriculum program at Saint Louis University. In this position, I collaborate with faculty, staff, and students to develop writing-intensive courses in the new Core for the wide variety of disciplines offered at Saint Louis University.
My research investigates the intersections of rhetorical theory, writing pedagogy, and public digital humanities in St. Louis and Baltimore. I write articles and books to share my experiences in teaching, research, and service. I enjoy working with graduate and undergraduate students, especially on public digital humanities projects.
PhD in English: Rhetoric and Composition, Purdue University, 2010
MA in English: Composition and Professional Writing, Virginia Tech, 2003
BA in English: Professional Writing, Phi Beta Kappa, Virginia Tech, 2000
AS in General Studies, Northern Virginia Community College, 1998
Read, Reason, Write: An argument text and reader, 13e by dorothy U. seyler and allen brizee
My teaching focuses on rhetorical theory, technology, empirical research, and civic engagement. In my classes, students learn how to respond to rhetorical situations and write in multiple genres.
My co-authored textbook Read, Reason, Write aligns with my teaching philosophy.
partners in literacy: A writing center model for civic engagement by allen brizee and jaclyn m. wells
My research focuses on building reciprocal college-community partnerships. To foster these partnerships, I use empirical methods to develop, assess, and revise projects.
My co-authored scholarly book Partners in Literacy discusses my research.
commitment to justice in jesuit higher education co-edited by paola pascual-ferrÁ and allen brizee
My service focuses on civic engagement. I follow Ernest L. Boyer’s model that combines community-oriented teaching, research, and service.
My co-edited book Commitment to Justice supports my service.
Picture Credit: Missouri Historical Society